The Drama studio proved to be a great setting for this meeting of cultures and styles ; UK folk combined with Chopi music from Mozambiques. Not natural bedfellows one might suggest....however Kate and Matchume's instincts were well founded and the collaboration has borne fruit with their EP release and their concert tour. Full credit to them both for realising their vision and putting together a truly memorable performance for an appreciative audience - who also did their part in the workshop part of the gig singing and dancing in response to Matchume's lead.
More of that in the review by Olivia Cox below. Thanks to Don Murray for the photos and to the TalkingGigs volunteers for helping the event run smoothly.
Finally thanks to the audience for making it such a special gig and for their kind donations to Assist
(Olivia Cox)
Kate Griffin and Matchume Zango kicked off the TalkingGigs event in the University Drama Studio with a resounding and uplifting musical introduction. In a twist of proceedings, Alasdair was then introduced by Kate and the stage transformed into a place of dialogue, anecdote and learning.
Kate and Matchume had met during COVID on a zoom-facilitated, intercultural, music workshop and discovered a synergy of musical styles that inspired them to collaborate. Two years later, they met in person and released their debut EP ‘Tchopo’, recorded in Maputo 2022.
Matchume Zango from Maputo, Mozambique is of Chopi heritage and became a master of the Mbila (singular)/ Timbila (plural). We learnt of the tradition of the Mbila as part of Chopi culture, it’s construction, rhythms and development. We were introduced to the xitende, mbira, and congas and Matchume taught us call and reply chanting. His enthusiasm was infectious to the point that a normally restrained audience let go their cool and participated.
TalkingGigs discovered the exceptionally talented Kate with ‘Mishra’ back in September 2021, and it was clear why Kate, “one of the top banjo players in the country” (Dan Walsh), would find new motivation in this collaboration. Each of the musical examples during the first half of the performance demonstrated an energetic passion that lifted their music to new heights. We were mesmerised by the enjoyment of performers as much as our own.
Ford Collier (Mishra, The Drystones) complimented the performance on percussion, low whistle and guitar, with his solo low whistle with reverb providing a notable highlight. Evan Carson (Sam Kelly & The Lost Boys, The Drystones) added panache on xitende, bodhran and drums. Kate Griffin (Mishra, The Magpies) added her distinctive style of claw-hammer banjo and vocals. The result was a vibrant fusion of cultures firmly rooted in their respective folk traditions.
The second half of the performance added Ben Evans on 6 string electric Bass to complete the line-up. This set was guaranteed to get our feet dancing as the band played music from their debut Album TCHOPO. Indeed, as the music resumed, half the audience flowed into the space in-front of the stage to soak up the performance and dance. The first song was Matilweni, introduced as the track which most represented the UK Folk influence with a memorable and upbeat hook.
This was Matchume’s first visit to the UK and despite having been warned the audiences should not to be compared to those in Mozambique… we certainly ‘acted out’ our appreciation in the drama studio! The band responded with flair and flamboyance. They performed for us, and with us, in a heartfelt sharing of their art and passion. We experienced a fusion of brilliant international talent and outstanding local musicians celebrating the universal power of traditional music. It was a magical gig from exceptionally talented musicians.
Let’s hope they come back for a second run.

All photos by Don Murray